All tagged Holidays

Lemon Parmesan Potatoes

Hey potato pals! Ready to elevate your spud game to a whole new level? Get ready to be blown away by the citrusy magic of my Lemon Roasted Yukon Gold Potatoes. This recipe is a game-changer – it's easy, it's delicious, and it'll make your taste buds do a happy dance.

Peanut Butter Blossoms - From the Pennsylvania Grange 1972

So, what makes these cookies extra special? It's the perfect blend of peanut butter goodness and the surprise element – a Hershey's Kiss perched right on top. The combination of nutty and chocolatey flavors is like a culinary symphony in your mouth.

Here's a nod to tradition: the recipe I swear by comes straight from the Pennsylvania Grange Cookbook, a treasure trove of homely recipes passed down through the ages. It's like a culinary time machine that brings you the taste of yesteryears, and Peanut Blossom Cookies are a timeless favorite.

Sauerkraut Salad - Pennsylvania Grange 1972

Sauerkraut salad is more than just a delightful dish—it's a culinary window into the past. As generations have passed, this salad has become a cherished part of family gatherings, holidays, and community events. Sharing a bowl of sauerkraut salad is not just about savoring its flavors but also about embracing the history and heritage of Pennsylvania Dutch culture. It as also an amazing condiment on a hot dog, hamburger or sandwiches!

Onion and Rice Casserole - From the Pennsylvania Grange 1972

This savory onion and rice casserole is more than just a dish; it's a journey into the heart of comfort. With its simple yet thoughtful combination of ingredients, this casserole offers a wholesome and satisfying experience that's perfect for family gatherings, potlucks, or those evenings when you crave a taste of nostalgia. So, gather your ingredients, preheat the oven, and treat yourself to a delightful culinary adventure that celebrates the magic of good food and cherished moments.

Trader Joe's Macaroni and Cheese Casserole

The recipe I am sharing today is a completely Trader Joe's Mac and Cheese Casserole! Their macaroni is a bit larger than traditional elbows, so it perfectly takes in the sauce. The unexpected cheddar is sharp and nutty and adds tons of flavor to the casserole. I topped my dish with bread crumbs mixed with Trader Joe's Mushroom Umami Seasoning for even more kick! This seasoning is a mixture of salt, dried mushrooms, dried onion, mustard seed, red pepper and thyme. Is is a savory, earthy and sort of hot spice.